Legend-Lore.com F.A.Q
The best place to find your answers quick and easy
• How long will it take for my order to arrive ?
Orders are shipped in no more than two working days (therefore excluding weekends and holidays according to the Italian calendar, such as Christmas, New Year, etc…).
• To which countries do you ship to ?
We ship to the following countries: Belgium, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Slovenia, and United Kingdom (U.K.). Depending on the time of year and the country of destination, it may take a few more days for an order to arrive.
• Do you provide tracking for deliveries ?
All our shipments are tracked and you will be able to check the delivery process through the shipping company website using the tracking number that we will provide to you by email after your order is completed.

Payments, Returns & Refunds
• What payment methods are accepted ?
We accept payments both through Debit and Credit cards and through PayPal. You can also pay by bank transfer, but this method will slightly lengthens the shipping times of your Orders.
You will still be able to verify all the payment methods allowed when you proceed to checkout your Order.
• I have received a defective or non-corresponding product, how can I return it ?
You can always return a Product if it is damaged, defective, or does not correspond to your Order; in this case we will collect the inappropriate item and send you the correct one in perfect condition, without you having to worry about any additional costs. In some specific cases we will authorize you to keep the defective or incorrect product, providing for its replacement anyway.
To start the replacement procedure, you will need to notify us of the problem by sending us an email using the appropriate form you find here.
• I have changed my mind, can I return a Product and get a Refund ?
Yes. You will need to notify us of your intention within the Withdrawal Period (14 days from the reception of your Order) by making a request using the form you find here.
In this case, the return shipment will be at your expense. Once the Products of your Order have been received and their good condition verified, we will refund you the amount you paid the product, minus the shipping costs.

• The color/size of the product I received is different compared to the pictures seen on the Product page… Why is that ?
It may happen that the true colors of a Product are slightly compared to what is seen through a computer or phone due to different monitor settings (hue/brightness/gamma).
Slight variations in color, shape and size are also possible, due to the way products are crafted, processed and assembled, which cannot always replicate identical copies.
Some specific Products, such as stone dice sets, or wooden engraved boxes are handcrafted. Small imperfections are not only inevitable and normal, but they are also a guarantee that the materials used are actually natural and reflect the expected variations of the raw materials themselves. Obviously, each Product respects strict and precise tolerances, beyond which it is discarded and not fit for sale.
If in doubt, you can always contact us and we will be at your disposal to find the best solution.
• Can you craft or modify a specific Product for me ?
We are able to customize and / or create a large variety of different products. Send us your request using the appropriate form found here and we will evaluate it as quickly as possible, submitting you a free, no-engagement quote.
• I’m interested in a product but it’s out of stock product, when will it be available again ?
Most of our Products are periodically re-stocked (usually within 15 days), but in some cases we offer limited quantities of goods that are collectible or part of limited series; in these cases it will not be possible to guarantee the prompt availability of new pieces.
It is always possible to ask us for the availability of a specific product through the request form found at this link and, when possible, we will try to get it specifically for you as quickly as possible via a pre-order.